Changlung Gogoi

Changlung Gogoi


Mathematics is not that subject which causes fear , but it is a very interesting subject which cultivates a beautiful mind with creative thinking.It includes not only numbers and geometrical shape, but also some logic behind these. It helps to find solution among the difficulties of life and makes us mentally active.It is the idea, l want to convey my student friends as a teacher of mathematics to make this subject more interesting for you.

Alok Konwar

Alok Konwar


“Without Mathematics,there’s nothing you can do.
Everything around you is Mathematics.
Everything around you is numbers” – Shakuntala Devi.
Mathematics is an art of solving problem by using different techniques. It is an important part of a student’s life.It lays the foundations of intricate thinking capability.It teaches us multiple problem-solving abilities like equations, computations, or algorithms which help us further in multiple aspects of life.
The beauty of Mathematics is the aesthetic pleasure that typically derived from the abstractness, purity, simplicity, depth and orderliness of mathematics.
As a faculty of this institution I would suggest to all the students to focus on the real life application of Mathematics and to apply logical reasoning and quantative computation to find optimal solution to problem.

Himangshu Goala

Himangshu Goala

MSc in Mathematics Dibrugarh University

Learning has lots of definitions. It is a process that starts from one’s birth and ends with the end of life. Learning can be said to be fruitful only when it helps us in experiencing inner beauty and simple contentment. Every subject has its importance in the process of learning. Mathematics plays an important role in developing rational and logical thinking. It is a universal subject and quite interesting if one adopts the inductive teaching process. I feel fortunate to be a part of such a sought-after institute, VEDA. Here the whole family works hard to help the learners to feel and experience the inner beauty of learning. We are committed to help the learners to improve their scientific attitude through our works.

Mr. Prabhakar Lahon

Mr. Prabhakar Lahon

M.Sc., Physics Dibrugarh University

The beauty of Physics lies in the mind of Curious thinker.Of course, I do believe it. With personal attention and dedication all my students with different merits would see and learn physics with great interest. It is nothing less than understanding, practicing, solving, learning and so on. I am dedicated to it.l believe with my guidance and their dedication my students would become my pride.

Mr. Dipjoy Borah

Mr. Dipjoy Borah

M. Sc Physics D. El. Ed DIET Dergaon

Being a student of science, my goal is to teach physics that focuses on ideas, providing strong conceptual foundation, which will equip the students to understand the equations and formulas later. Also me being a strong follower of Richard Feynman, where he quotes, ” Teach them to doubt, to think, to question, to make mistakes, to learn from their mistakes and most importantly, to have fun in their learning.” Here, in VED academy I will be more than happy to be the mentor in their journey to learn Physics.

Ms. Parcy Ara Rohman

Ms. Parcy Ara Rohman

M.Sc. in Chemistry

I being a chemistry teacher find it every exciting to share my knowledge with my students regarding the theories, the equations, all beautiful reactions and also about different research works along with its bright career opportunity ahead. I always encourage my students to nourish their interest as chemistry has a lot to offer and I am committed to help them.

Ms. Sikhawali Hazarika

Ms. Sikhawali Hazarika

M.Sc., Geology Gauhati University

“ A teacher’s job is to take a bunch of live wires and see that they are well-grounded”
– Darwin D. Martin
Teaching is not only a job. It is also a responsibility to take care of the budding minds who have trusted our guidance. It is our duty to prepare each students to face the present world and to find a proper position in it.Teaching is also a great way to keep learning.
Being a teacher of Geology, I try to impart best knowledge of our whole earth system and all its functions in an easier way. I encourage my students to see geology as their future career. Practical knowledge regarding any subject brings the students more closer to it. So, I always encourage my students to see their surrounding always with one scientific view.
I believe, my ways of interactions will bring them more closer to Geology.

 Mrs. Binita Gogoi

Mrs. Binita Gogoi

M.Sc. in Life sciences, Dibrugarh University

Teaching is the only profession that creates all other profession. It is the mother of leadership. Being a teacher I am very proud of myself specially in the field of biology.
“Biology gives you a brain. Life turns it into mind”- Jeffrey Eugenides.
With my experience and credentials I am always ready to dedicate myself to the highest standard of experimental knowledge about living beings.At last I am very thankful to this institute for giving me such a opportunity to provide a broad understanding of biological sciences.

ৰুবী সন্দিকৈ

ৰুবী সন্দিকৈ

এম. এ. (অসমীয়া)

ভাষাই হ’ল উপযুক্ত মাধ্যম যাৰ জৰিয়তে আমি মনৰ ভাৱ প্ৰকাশ কৰিব পাৰোঁ |ভাষা এটাই জাতিৰ পৰিচয় |নিজৰ জন্মগত ভাষাটোক অৱহেলা কৰা মানে নিজকে অৱনমিত কৰা |গতিকে নিজ ভাষাৰ প্ৰতি অকুণ্ঠ প্ৰেম আৰু শ্ৰদ্ধা অটুট ৰখাটো প্ৰত্যেকৰে কৰ্তব্য বুলি মই ভাবোঁ |নিজ ভাষাৰে জগত সভাত জিলিকি থাকিবলৈ সাহস আৰু প্ৰেৰণা যোগোৱাটো হ’ব মোৰ প্ৰথম আৰু প্ৰধান কৰ্তব্য |

দেৱাশ্ৰী বৰুৱা

দেৱাশ্ৰী বৰুৱা


স্বামী বিবেকানন্দই কৈছিল- “উপযুক্ত মানুহ গঢ়াৰ বাবে আমাক লাগে তেজস্বী,মেধা যুক্ত,সাহসী শ শ ডেকা পুৰুষ,মহিলা।এই শ শ পুৰুষ, মহিলাই যেতিয়ালৈকে ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় আদৰ্শ আৰু সংস্কৃতিৰ মূল বুজি নাপাব,যেতিয়ালৈকে মাতৃভাষাৰ প্ৰতি আন্তৰিক অনুভূতি জাগ্ৰত নহ’ব,তেতিয়ালৈকে এখন সুস্থ,সবল সমাজ গঠন কৰিব পৰা নাযাব।”বৰ্তমান সময়ত শিক্ষাগত অহৰ্তাৰে যোগ্য ব্যক্তি সকলো ক্ষেত্ৰতে বহুতো ওলাব।কিন্তু বিবেকানন্দই বিচৰা দৰে সেই উপযুক্ত মানুহৰ অভাৱ আমি কিন্তু নুই কৰিব নোৱাৰো।সেই গতিকে ৱেদ একাডেমী ৰ অসমীয়া বিষয়ৰ এগৰাকী শিক্ষয়েত্ৰী হিচাপে নিজা মাতৃভাষা ৰ প্ৰতি ছাত্র-ছাত্ৰীসকলক আগ্ৰহী কৰি তোলাৰ লগতে পাঠ্যক্ৰমৰ সকলো দিশ বোধগম্য হোৱাকৈ তেওঁ লোকৰ সৰ্বাঙ্গীণ বিকাশৰ বাবে নিৰন্তৰে প্ৰচেষ্টা অব্যাহত ৰাখিম। জীৱনত সফলতা লাভ কৰিবলৈ ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীসকলক আত্মবিশ্বাসী ৰূপে সাজু কৰি তোলাৰ লগতে দেশ,জাতি, সমাজৰ হিতৰ বাবে সুস্থ মানৱ সম্পদ গঢ় দিয়াই মোৰ কাম্য।

Ms. Deekshita Phukan

Ms. Deekshita Phukan

M. A in English, Tezpur University

The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask his pupils that they will answer readily, but how many questions he inspires them to ask him which he finds it hard to answer.” – -Alice Wellington Rollins
Carrying this wonderful quote in me, I, Deekshita Phukan, greet you all. I feel great about involving myself to the world of students. As a teacher I believe in having not only a grand amount of knowledge but the formation of both competence and performance. I do involve myself in the arena where the students belong. I always guide students towards the world of positivity and productivity as it is directed as an aim of the process of Teaching. At the same time as a faculty of English, my effort goes to the effective guidance towards the genres of both the English Literature and the English language.
Whereas, the vision of VED academy to provide refined education unites with that of mine. My approach also goes to encourage students to follow their passion and strength, thereby contributing valuable resources to the society as the mission of this esteemed institution announces.

Mr. Trinku Bora

Mr. Trinku Bora

M. A. In English Dibrugarh university

5+7= 14
1/v + 1/u = 1/k

Now , let’s think….
Will people judge you if you are weak in mathematics or in physics..!!!! Definately not. But when you say- ” Hi, myself I am …./ Does she has a car? / My Pop has got a new work. … People judge your potentiality. They judge your personality, knowledge, talent etc and so on.

People think English is all about poetry, prose, articles etc or to make understand the summary of the poem or prose. Interestingly whatever we know is just 10% of English. English is not only mean Wordsworth or shelley. It includes France, Italian, Roman, Greek, African, American, German, Chinese, Japanese, Canadian etc’s writings in English.
Maximum people don’t know how to interpret a text in English. They give less attention on reading comprehension, paragraph completion, Phrase and Idioms, Pronunciation, vocabulary, spelling test, rhetoric and prosody, figure of speech, error detection etc and so on.

As a faculty of English Department of Ved Academy i am trying to make English one of the most easiest subjects among the students. I want an overall development and confident in our students. For this i am engaging various methodology like open book test, peer teaching, group discussion, assignment on current issues, Google classroom etc
to learn it by heart from the grassroot level with minute details and speak confidently without any hesitation . And this will help the journey more dynamic and unique.

Mrs. Manjushree Patar

Mrs. Manjushree Patar

MA in English, Dibrugarh University. BEd. Sivsagar College of Teachers' Education, Dibrugarh University.

If we are planning for a year, we need to sow rice. If we are planning for a decade, we need to plant trees. If we are planning for a lifetime, we need to educate people. The quest of education is knowledge and a teacher is the ultimate resource for students when it comes to learning.
Being a faculty of English department of VED Academy, my primary focus is to develop my students’ language and linguistics skills; and their ability to understand, speak, read, write and express their ideas in English. Since English is one of the primary source of communication across the globe. It has become the lingua franca of the global village that cannot be denied and ignored. Moreover, I firmly believe that introducing learner centred method of teaching would definitely make my students less nervous in voicing their opinions, concerns and much more likely to confide in you.
On the whole, grateful to be a part of VED Academy and here’s wishing all the students a future filled with success and prosperity.

Mrs Farbina Sultana Hazarika

Mrs Farbina Sultana Hazarika

M. A Sociology Dibrugarh University. D. El. Ed Joysagor B. T. C

Sociology is the study of social life, social change and the social causes and consequences of human behaviour. The French philosopher Auguste Comte, often called the father of sociology, first used the term sociology in 1838 to refer to the scientific study of society. All human behaviour is social, therefore the subject matter of sociology deals with every aspect of the same, for example behaviour observed within a family, hostile mob, organised crime, religious culture and behaviour observed among different division of Race, Gender and social class etc are the various range of the subject matter. As a teacher of sociology I will always be focused to teach my students different norms, values of society and its importance in society. Sociology helps the students to learn human behaviour and the rules and regulations of a society and how it functions. The career prospects of sociology is also very bright. I am committed to motivate my students to make them the best version of them.

Ms. Aichengpha Phukan

Ms. Aichengpha Phukan

MA Geography, Dibrugarh University

“ A teacher is a Compass that Activates the Magnets of Curiosity, Knowledge and Wisdom in the Pupils”
– Ever Garrison

Teaching is a lifelong process in which individuals acquire skills and competencies throughout the entire life-span. Teaching as a profession is a form of self-initiated education that is focused on student’s
Improvement with continuous incremental improvement of the teacher herself.
Being a teacher of Geography, I try to convey quality knowledge of our surroundings environment and most importantly to be a good human being along with a natural mindset. As it helps to recognise that human have a natural drive to explore,learn and grow and encourages us to improve our own quality of life and sense of self-worth by paying attention to the ideas and goals that inspire us.

Ms. Jnyantrisha Phukan

Ms. Jnyantrisha Phukan

B.A. in History, Gargaon College

“The base is history….you’re at present…and you have to plan a better future…”
Well , these are my words; this is what I believe in. I do believe in knowledge. Knowledge that makes someone a perfect human being.My one and only motive to discover the untold history for you; to make you all wise. History is a ocean of knowledge. It will never disappear or never die. Let the doors open to welcome the knowledge.
The Rig Veda says “Ano bhadrah: kratavo yantu biswata:”, means ‘let the noble thoughts come to us from all directions’. So that, you can know all the aspects of the society.

Ms. Pubali Dutta

Ms. Pubali Dutta

M.A in Education (Assam women's University) B.Ed ( Gauhati University)

Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education. As a teacher of education,my primary objective is to impart adequate knowledge in true sense among the students. My focus shall be on understanding the Psychology of each student and develop a positive attitude among the students for education as well as towards their individual life. Education as a subject is of great importance in career prospects and is very important for different type of competitive exams. Besides, it always inspires a student to fulfill his or her aim of becoming an efficient teacher in the near future which is the most required asset of the society .

Mr. Sasanka Jyoti Hazarika

Mr. Sasanka Jyoti Hazarika

M.A. POLITICAL SCIENCE, PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY B.Ed. Sibsagar college of teacher's Education, Dibrugarh University

What is political science and what is politics? Is politics and political science the same? The answer is ‘No’. Many people thought that political science is only about politics related to only participating in election. But it has a huge difference. Political science is a discipline that deals with the composition and functions of country’s government. Politics which is concerned with the activities of the country’s governance, with the aim of achieving and using power or authority.
A teacher is a creator of whole nation. A teacher shares academic knowledge, ethical values and assimilate moral values that help students shape their personality as better human being.

For better understanding every student should learn from concrete idea to abstract form of any concept. As a teacher of political science I shall ensure to provide the correct concept of these subject. I shall use various methodologies, teaching skills, aids so that the student can easily understand any concept. I shall check the progress of every student by conducting class tests, group discussion etc. Lastly I am committed to my work and I shall give my best to the students that I have earned.

Mr. Debashis Dutta

Mr. Debashis Dutta

Masters in Computer Application, Tezpur University

“Computer Science empowers students to create the world of tomorrow.” – by Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft.
Computer Science is a vast and diverse field. Programming is way more than just code, programmers must design, create, solve problems and think outside the box. Students who study Computer Science unlocks a world of opportunities for themselves. Now a days every information and knowledge have been digitalised. World has become available at just a single click. So we can imagine what this subject has to offer as a whole.
I impart the knowledge of Computer Science in such a way that inspires students to see the technological world with a new outlook and passion.
I believe everyone should get a little exposure to computer science because it enables you to think in a slightly different way and it is a skill that you can apply in life in general.

Ms. Mondakini Gogoi

Ms. Mondakini Gogoi

Political Science

Dear students,
Ved academy family welcoming you all’ to our new session of education.we believed that every student deserve an education that fosters academic excellence and also ensures their well being.our school provide the subject of political science that is definitely a subject that you will have to learn about the govt. and how it works,why it works etc. If you learning it properly then you will definitely love this subject.As a teacher myself I will definitely help you to learn this subject.I encourage you to put your faith in us and again welcoming you all to an educational abode of motivated teaching.
Best wishes with regards and gratitude.

Mr. Satirtha Gogoi

Mr. Satirtha Gogoi

Computer Science

The Computer Science Department at our institution is a dynamic hub of innovation and learning, offering cutting-edge programs that prepare students for success in the rapidly evolving field of technology. Our dedicated faculty members are experts in their fields, providing students with a comprehensive education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical, hands-on experience. Our curriculum is designed to equip students with the skills and expertise needed to thrive in today’s digital world. Join us and embark on a rewarding journey towards a career at the forefront of technology.

Ms. Rituparna Phukan

Ms. Rituparna Phukan


Chemistry is an essential part of our world and I am passionate about helping others to learn about this incredible subject. Being a chemistry teacher I try to make Chemistry relatable and engaging for all students. I have been inspired by the beauty of the chemistry that I have studied and I am committed to helping the students to gain a similar appreciation for the subject.

‘You are like a chemical reaction; mixing knowledge, dedication and guidance to create brilliant mind’. Dear students, I will be more than happy to be guide in your journey to learn chemistry.

Mr. Jadav Dhekial Phukan

Mr. Jadav Dhekial Phukan


Embark on a dynamic journey with Commerce Education, where theory seamlessly meets real-world business exposure. Acquire practical skills applicable in daily coursework, opening doors to exciting career opportunities. Commerce isn’t merely a subject; it’s the vital thread woven into every successful organization. Uncover the keys to economic growth and national development. Choose a future-rich education that not only imparts knowledge but also widens the doors to a world of possibilities. Guided by us, success becomes a collaborative and amiable journey.

Ajanta Baruah

Ajanta Baruah (Life Science and Bioinformatics)

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge”.
—–Stephen Hawking
It is the primary responsibility of our teachers to impart knowledge to the students correctly and accurately. As a teacher, we are committed to thoroughly introduce student to their subjects and taking them forward in a comprehensive direction. Our hard work shines with every success of students.